
We are working with customers in more than 20 countries around the world. The ultimate pursuit of perfect quality is the basis for our continuous development of new customers.
  • 'The last 2 order we placed from your company was indeed excellent. We have no issues whatsoever, this is the reason why we are coming back to you for another requirement of 12m electric scissor lift. Please send me a quotation with SASO certificate at your earliest.'
    Mr. Carlos - Owner of Factory
  • 'Our colleagues have feedback that your machine is much better than the previous machines, very small and convenient for us to repair the chandeliers in the hotel lobby, so we'd like to begin the project of the ballroom maintenance in advance, please make a PI for another 10m single mast aerial work platform asap.'
    Mrs. Susan - Purchase Manager of Marriott Hotel
  • ‘Your design surprised me and the customer has completed the acceptance. In addition to the sensor switch requested by the customer, you also added two safety sensor switches, which surprised the customer. They immediately said that they will confirm the stationary lift equipment project with me in the next two days. I will arrange the detailed requirements for you. Thank you again!'
    Mr. Mohamed
    Mr. Andy - Government Project Partner
  • 'Thank you for your visit. Our technicians have learned a lot about the maintenance of the mast-type aerial work platform. We also understand the importance of standardizing the use of machines. Most importantly, we know the basic principles and construction of this machine, and we believe that our after-sales service will also satisfy local customers!'
    Mr. Mark - Regional General Agent


Boonai (Suzhou) Lift Equipment Co. Ltd as a modern manufacturing enterprise is specialized in aerial work platform, providing package service for design, production, sales and after-sales.

There is an experienced team that takes care of every process for design, production and quality control and dedicated to providing the clients with excellent work.

Aerial Work Platform

Boonai aerial work platforms provide solutions for interior work on large construction sites, such as high rises, as well as being perfect for light-duty construction purposes.

Expert Engineers

Boonai's professional team of engineers can best meet your non-standard customization needs, and after-sales engineers can ensure the fastest and most efficient solution to your problems in using the machine.

Customer Support

Our sales team promises to respond to any questions you have within 12 hours, and key nodes in the trade process (such as sample confirmation, production process, delivery schedule, etc.) are guaranteed to take the initiative to give you feedback.

Delivery On time

The Boonai factory has a strict production process and quality control system. The normal order delivery will not exceed 15 working days. The large-volume order will also confirm the appropriate delivery date with you. Once confirmed, it will not be postponed.


Boonai (Suzhou) Lift Equipment Co. Ltd as a modern manufacturing enterprise is specialized in aerial work platform, providing package service for design, production, sales and after-sales.
There is an experienced team that takes care of every process for design, production and quality control and dedicated to providing the clients with excellent work.


Boonai (Suzhou) Lift Equipment Co. Ltd as a modern manufacturing enterprise is specialized in aerial work platform, providing package service for design, production, sales and after-sales.

projectsRead more +30 March 2019 By admin in news

Lifting Platform Classification

projectsRead more +30 March 2019 By admin in news

2016 Hanoi Expo

projectsRead more +30 March 2019 By admin in news

2016 Bex Asia